Tablog: Minimalistic Blog Theme

Creating a personal website has never been easier than it is today. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of companies that provide all the tools you need to create your own personalized platform for unfiltered self-expression. Setting up hosting and buying a domain name has never been easier.

When it comes to blogging, digital self-expression is not only important, but it is a fundamental freedom that we all have and should embrace. In today’s digital environment, having a space to create and write what you love and how you love is, in principle, invaluable. You make the rules, you can write mindfully with meaning, content and creative freedom.

How to Get Started

  1. Extract the ZIP file in your server’s web root
  2. Visit your new Kirby site in your browser at
  3. Visit the Panel at
  4. Register your installation by buying a one-off license
  5. Explore Kirby’s simple user guide
  6. Start blogging with compelling content.

Blogging with Kirby

Kirby is a lightweight and incredibly flexible file-based content management system that adapts to your projects like no other. With Kirby, you build your own ideal interface. Combine forms, galleries, articles, and more into an amazing editing experience. Kirby’s architecture is built with simplicity and flexibility in mind. Download it, put it in the web root of your server and go.

Read more about Kirby's features
